Occurrence of Keratinophilic Fungi and Related Dermatophytes from Indoor Animal Habitats of Kanpur Zoological Park, Kanpur (India)

Anthology : The Research ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/68067 Vol-6* Issue-9*December-2021 Paper Submission: 10/12/2021, Date of Acceptance: 20/12/2021, Date of Publication: 21/12/2021 Rafat Quamar Research scholar Dept. of Botany, D.G.P.G. College Kanpur, U.P., India Vandana Nigam Associate Professor Dept. of Botany, D.G.P.G. College Kanpur, U.P., India Abstract Ninety soil samples were collected from different indoor animal habitats of Kanpur Zoological Park and were examined for the occurrence of keratinophilic fungi and related dermatophytes. From the positive 76 samples, total of 8 genera and 15 species were isolated. Total o...