Artisans and artisanal works of Rarh Bengal in the colonial period

Periodic Research (P: ISSN No. 2231-0045 RNI No. UPBIL/2012/55438 VOL.-8, ISSUE-1 August-2019 E: ISSN No. 2349-9435)


Sanjay Prasad 

Assistant Professor Dept. of History Saltora Netaji Centenary College Saltora-722158 Bankura (W.B.) India

This article traces the workmanship of some people of a section of the society of Rarh Bengal ,i.e.of the artisans during the colonial period. The artisans were identified by their castes corresponding to their inherited skills. In the traditional socio-economic set-up, the artisans were an integral part of the village society. Their manufacturing activity and agricultural production were complimentary to each other. However, in the changed socio-economic conditions under the colonial rulers, complimentarity between the manufacturing activity in villages and processes of agricultural production was disrupted. This was followed by occupational mobility and changes in the socio-economic conditions among the artisan castes due to the apathy and adverse attitude of the colonial rulers.


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