Mental health of secondary school teachers

Periodic Research (P: ISSN No. 2231-0045 RNI No. UPBIL/2012/55438 VOL.-8, ISSUE-2 November -2019 E: ISSN No. 2349-9435)


 Gurvinder Kaur 

Principal Guru Hargobind College of Education Raikot, Ludhiana, India

The effectiveness of the educational system largely depends upon the active, resourceful and competent teachers. The most powerful ingredient in the educational process is teacher. He is pivot of the process and even initiator of the act. It is his responsibility to look after the all round development of human personality, the chief aim of education to its best. The teacher is a committed man, committed to faith towards future of man, to the future of humanity, to the future of his country and the world. He is the person always busy in laying the real foundation of a country by repairing and equipping the youth giving them awakening knowledge and building their character. It is the teacher, who refines instincts, makes them socially acceptable, inculcates values, provokes and develops capabilities of men to their fullest and best, so that they may be of best use to themselves, to the society, to the nation and to the mankind as a whole. The teacher is an employee of an institution where the future of the nation is being shaped. Teachers play an important role in nation building. If a teacher is mentally fit and free from all stress and strain, he will teach effectively in the classroom. Good mental health helps the teacher to motivate and inspire the students. In the present study an attempt has been made to find out whether there is any significant difference in the mental health of secondary school teachers. 

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