Proxiamte Composition of Minced Meat Patties Incorporated with Soy-Protein– Isolate
Periodic Research (P: ISSN No. 2231-0045 RNI No. UPBIL/2012/55438 VOL.-8, ISSUE-1 August-2019 E: ISSN No. 2349-9435)
Aparana Sharma
JNKVV- College of Agriculture, Ganj Basoda, Distt- Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, India
Manoranjan Kalia
JNKVV- College of Agriculture, Ganj Basoda, Distt- Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, India
Protein, the most valuable component of food can be of plant origin or animal origin but animal proteins have advantage of more digestibility, higher biological value and presence of essential amino acids, which are usually absent or lacking in plant proteins. Amongst various sources of proteins of animal origin we have egg, milk, beef, mutton, chevon, fish etc. Besides egg and milk, which are considered to be complete food, are differentiated into vegetarian foods in comparison to the non-vegetarian foods in accordance with the Indian classification, though eggs are classified into both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods depending upon whether egg is fertilized or not. Mutton and chevon are found to be rich in amino acids specially argenine, lucine and isolucine (Srinivasan and Moorjani,1974).
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