Women Participation in Farm Activities: Evidence from Haryana Economy

Periodic Research (P: ISSN No. 2231-0045 RNI No. UPBIL/2012/55438 VOL.-7, ISSUE-4 (Part-1) May-2019 E: ISSN No. 2349-9435 )


 Anju Rani 

Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Economics, BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana, India 

Women are backbone of the development of any nation in general and agriculture in particular. They play a crucial role in various farm and non-farm activities of agriculture as sowing, weeding, harvesting, livestock management and poultry keeping and many more. Out of total female workers, 55 percent were agricultural labourers and 24 percent were cultivators. However, only 12.8 percent of the operational holdings were owned by women (Census, 2011). All these facts insight that the role of women in agriculture sector. Women are actively involved in all farm and non-farm areas and are playing significant role in total production with low wage. So, present paper is an endeavor to examine the participation of women in farm activities in agriculture with the use of cross sectional data generated through multi stage sampling. The findings of study explore that 75 percent of women are involved in two broad activity of farm as harvesting and crop protection. With this study also reveals that these women is only marginal farmers and getting minimal income and major cause of joining of this occupation is family occupation in rural areas of Panipat district of Haryana economy.

for full paper please visit below link http://socialresearchfoundation.com/upoadreserchpapers/2/299/1908301219581st%20anju%20rani.pdf


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