Assessment of Skill of the Employees: An Analytical Study of Big Bazaar, Jorhat

Asian Resonance(P: ISSN No. 0976-8602 RNI No.UPENG/2012/42622 VOL.-7, ISSUE-4, October-2018 E: ISSN No. 2349-9443)


 Rijumani Kalita 

Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Management, Nagaon GNDG Commerce College, Nagaon, Assam, India

Skill is the ability to carry out a job task with determined results within a given amount of time and energy. In the changing environment, life skills are essential to meet the changes of everyday life. It is important for the employees to have the key employability skills i.e the skill to self-manage, solve problems and understand the business environment, adaptability to different roles and flexible working environments. In this age of globalization and technological volatility, development of skill is an important instrument to increase the efficiency and quality of the labor to result in improved productivity and economic growth. Besides all these, the development of skill helps to take the opportunities for career development. The organization uses the existing skill of an employee and expands on it to help that employee perform his job more efficiently. The managers should also understand how each employee’s skill affects work performance to develop effective employee development programme. Job Performance of an individual is depended upon the amount of his or her skill. The study has been carried out in Big Bazaar, a retail store in Jorhat. In this study, an attempt has been made first to study some select factors that determine the level of the skill of the employees and then to assess the level of skill of the employees thereupon and finally to suggest some remedial measures to improve the level of the skill of the employees of the organization. The information has been collected from sixty (60) respondents through a questionnaire on the three dimensions of skill. The collected information has been analyzed with the help of weighted average method. After the assessment, the study revealed that all the three dimensions affect the level of skill of the employees differently. The attribute wise assessment of skill shows that the highest level of skill is found in the attribute that represent effective communication skill at 3.82 weighted average values under the human relation skill dimension of skill mix On the other hand, the lowest level of skill is found in the attribute which represent analytical skill of selling at 1.98 weighted average value under the technical skill dimension of skill mix. The study could suggest that there is a greater scope to improve the level of skill of the employees through training and development to sharpen further their existing skill mix.

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