Issues and Challenges of Vending Zone Retailers of Odisha: A Special Reference to Bhubaneswar Muncipal Corporation (B.M.C)

Asian Resonance(P: ISSN No. 0976-8602 RNI No.UPENG/2012/42622 VOL.-7, ISSUE-4, October-2018 E: ISSN No. 2349-9443 )


 Prakash Chandra Swain

 Research Scholar, Deptt.of Commerce and Management, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, India

Tushar Kanta Pany

 HOD and Reader, Deptt.of Commerce and Management, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, India

Street vendors of Bhubaneswar are the most underprivileged workers of the informal sector of self-employed personnel. This paper attempts to exhibit the socio-economic and spatial issues of skilled street vendors in Bhubaneswar and their quality of life. The study is descriptive and the situations have been explained with the help of quantitative paradigm. The study is an extract from data collected by researchers from 100 respondents through random sampling. With the emergence of these regulated street vending shops, the customers in each of those particular areas started leading a life with greater ease. The rate of availability of goods and services increased drastically thereafter. The street vendors, who have skills, are also benefited out of this organised pattern of retailing which protects them from harassment by the police, BMC or other government authority. The main objective of the case study is to analyse and interpret the way the business is conducted in a newly developed structure of organized skilled vendors all around the city.The scope of this case study extends up to all pertinent data relating to the vendors.It begins to state all vital information about their enterprise and continues to scrutinize a very minute question which revolves around the way their life is governed by the business conducted by them and cover the working life of skilled vendors, which is explained in terms of their access to finance and the type of vending they carry out, the amount of bribes they have to pay in order to sustain themselves in the market, their working hours, the issues related to facilities available at vending places, public space utilisation, and the legal aspect of their activity.The case study has certain limitations which are to be kept in mind while evaluating it as it could create a hindrance in the process of educating one’s mind regarding the vital elements of the case study.

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