Urban Informal Sector Workers in Bikaner City of Rajasthan

Asian Resonance(P: ISSN No. 0976-8602 RNI No.UPENG/2012/42622 VOL.-7, ISSUE-4, October-2018 E: ISSN No. 2349-9443 )


 Kranti Poonia 

Research Scholar, Deptt.of Geography, Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari, India

Randhir Singh Sangwan

Professor, Deptt.of Geography, Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari, India

The urban economy is predominantly based on non-primary occupations, including manufacturing and tertiary activities. Large-scale, highly productive and formally organised secondary and tertiary sectors of urban economy are more common in the developed world cities. A large portion of the economy of the developing world cities is characterised by small scale, low productive and less formally organised informal sector manufacturing and business. Often the informal workers are in-migrants, less educated and skilled, poor people. The present paper looks into some of these aspects in regard to the informal sector workers in the desert city of Bikaner in Rajasthan State, India. It attempts to outline their personal, economic and employment- related attributes. 

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