Composition of India’s Engineering Goods Exports.

  Innovation : The Research Concept ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No. UPBIL/2016/68367 Vol.-6* Issue-1* February- 2021)

Paper Submission: 09/02/2021, Date of Acceptance: 21/02/2021, Date of Publication: 24/02/2021


Md. Mahmood Alam
 Associate Professor
, Dept. of Economics,
 D. S. College,
 Aligarh, UP, India


 The composition of engineering goods exports shows the nature and structure of India Economy in general and engineering industry in particular. There has been tremendous change in the composition of engineering goods exports over the last seven decades. The changes witnessed in the structure of India exports helped in the emergence of new manufacture foods like engineering goods, chemicals, etc on the export front. These products have been identified as dynamic exports that would lead to buoyant export growth. As such, an analysis of trends, growth, and composition of engineering export would help in identifying the factors responsible for export performance. An attempt is made in this research paper in two stages. Fist the broad trends are analysed and then by using Constant Market Share Model the various factors at work are analyzed to understand the nature and composition of India’s Engineering Goods Exports.

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