Effects of Hypoxia and Metabolic Adjustments in Heteropneustes fossilis, an Indian Air-Breathing Catfish.

  Innovation : The Research Concept ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No. UPBIL/2016/68367 Vol.-6* Issue-1* February- 2021)

Paper Submission: 03/02/2021, Date of Acceptance: 16/02/2021, Date of Publication: 25/02/2021


 Ajay Kumar
 Assistant Professor,
 Dept. of Zoology,
 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Govt. Girls
 P G College,
 Fatehpur, U.P., India


 Dissolved oxygen is one of the most important environmental factors to sustain lives of fish and other aquatic organisms which rely on aquatic respiration alone. In oxygen deficient environment the supply of oxygen is less than required or consumption exceeds supply. Dissolved oxygen in such condition can decline from the levels required by most animal lives generating hypoxic condition. Low oxygen concentration occurs in a wide range of aquatic systems and range in temporal frequency, seasonality and persistence. These have always been naturally occurring low oxygen habitat but anthropogenic activities related primarily to organic and nutrient enrichment have led to increase in hypoxia and anoxia both in fresh as well as marine system. Freshwater systems are more frequently faced with low oxygen condition and fishes in a tropical country like India are quite frequently exposed to this. The general public is aware of the results of hypoxia as the phenomenon of “Fish Kills” occurring frequently in natural waters.

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