Prediction of Genes Using Digital Signal Processing Technique with FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation).

 Innovation : The Research Concept ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No. UPBIL/2016/68367 Vol.-6* Issue-1* February- 2021)

 Paper Submission: 03/02/2021, Date of Acceptance: 24/02/2021, Date of Publication: 25/02/2021


  Reeta Kumari Dixit 
 Assistant Professor,
 Dept. of Mathematics, 
 S.S.P.G. College,
 Shahjahanpur, U.P., India


 We have proposed method DSP technique with FFT for Gene prediction. Gene prediction is the process of identifying protein coding regions (exons) in a given DNA sequence. The proteins coding regions of DNA sequence exhibit a period 3-behavier due to codon structure. The segment of DNA molecules called genes to carry useful information in their protein coding reasons (exons) and their responsible for proteins synthesis. In eukaryotes, (exons) reasons are separated why non-coding regions (introns) where in prokaryotes these regions are continuous. DSP based technique can be used for journey predictions automatically distinctiveness exam from entrance in DNA sequence DSP based technique result in alternative mathematical formulation and may provide improved computational techniques for the solution use full problem in genomic information, science and technology. DSP with FFT is the best gene preduction technique and it can be further used in the identification of hotspots inproteins.

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