Whirlpool of Non-Cooperation Movement in the Region of Bihar.

  Innovation : The Research Concept ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No. UPBIL/2016/68367 Vol.-6* Issue-1* February- 2021)

 Paper Submission: 04/02/2021, Date of Acceptance: 22/02/2021, Date of Publication: 24/02/2021


 Sakina Abbas Zaidi
 Assistant Professor, 
Dept. of History,
 Center for Distance Education, 
AMU, Aligarh, UP, Indi


 This story covers the region of Bihar, during the days of NonCooperation Movement, launched under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. This paper tries to states that how in the region of Bihar, the Non-Cooperation Movement, was propagated, and highlighted the role of local leaders in propagating the cult of the non-violent struggle. With the emergence of the movement, the elections were boycotted in the region and also the period witnessed the emergence of the National schools. It deals with how the movement initiated by Gandhi captures the ignorant minds and the opposition of the Congress to the Vidhyanand‟s movement because of its limited and conservative politics in the region of Bihar. Gandhi ji had never supported the struggle based on the violence, but whole heartedly supported the peasant‟s cause but there were several occasions on which he deviates itself bfrom the local movements because of its violent nature

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