An Appraisal in the Infrastructural Facilities for Industrial Growth in the District of Purba Medinipur, West Bengal.

 Innovation : The Research Concept ISSN No. 2456–5474  RNI No. .UPBIL/2016/68367 VOL- VI * ISSUE- IV * May - 2021  

 Paper Submission: 04/05/2021, Date of Acceptance: 15/05/2021, Date of Publication: 25/05/2021



Mahua Dutta 
Assistant Professor,
 Dept. of 
Gokhale Memorial Girls‟ College 
(Affiliated to University of Calcutta) Kolkata,
 West Bengal, India


 A higher industrial growth requires well-connected infrastructural facilities and it is vital for India to maintain the momentum of higher sustainable economic growth. West Bengal is a densely populated state where the main occupation of the people is agriculture. Hence land for industrial activities is out of reach for the needy enterprises. In remote areas where land is available, some infrastructural difficulties like power, transportation, labour supply arise. To overcome these shortfalls, West Bengal Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (WBIIDC) has actively pursuing for balanced and well planned infrastructural facilities for the growth of industries all over the state. Haldia has been set up as a nodal centre for industrial activities in Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal. Huge amount of land and capital, enthusiastic entrepreneurs, availability of raw materials, cheap supply of semi skilled labourers, ample water supply, uninterrupted supply of power, good network of transportation, well developed market and proper waste disposal facilities have attracted large scale industrial enterprises to set up their factories in and around Haldia.

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