Colonial Intrusion and Native Defense: Narrative Representation in Rudyard Kipling and R.K. Narayan.

 Anthology The Research: ISSN: 2456–4397  RNI No. UPBIL/2016/68067 Vol.-6* Issue-1* April-2021)

 Paper Submission: 06/04/2021, Date of Acceptance: 15/04/2021, Date of Publication: 21/04/2021


Manju Devi Bhuradia
 Research Scholar,
 Dept. of English,
 University of Rajasthan,
 Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


 The present paper seeks to examine colonial intrusion and its impact on the native Indians and the indigenous response in the works of Rudyard Kipling and R.K. Narayan. Colonial writer Rudyard Kipling‟s many works are based in Indian society but his works present Indians as primitive and in marginal spaces. He tries to justify colonialism by advocating colonial rule and he also aims to perpetuate his Eurocentric superiority. The European traders came to India, established their mercantile power and started ruling over India in all ways. Gradually, they demolished Indian knowledge system, replaced local languages with English, started exploitation of natural resources and abolished local enterprises for strengthening colonial rule. Britain became powerful and rich by snatching the power and freedom of colonies like India. On this trajectory, European represented natives as savage and inferior, so they could set up a discourse of their colonial mastery. In this respect, R.K.Narayan presents a clear picture of Indian society and narrates the actual circumstances in which local people were surviving without any exaggeration. It helps to present positive image of natives in literary world

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