Finacial Literacy Level of Women Investors of Indore City and Its Impact On Investment Decisions

 Remarking An Analisation ISSN NO.: 2394-0344 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/67980 VOL-6* ISSUE-3* June-2021

Paper Submission: 05/06/2021, Date of Acceptance: 16/06/2021, Date of Publication: 25/06/2021

Mohd Ashraf Yatoo 
Research Scholar, 
Dept. of Commerce, 
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya 
Indore, M.P., India 

R S Waghela 
Dept. of Commerce,
 Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee
 Government Arts and Commerce 
College, Indore,
 M.P., India


 Women make up roughly half of the world's population, but their investment contribution is minimal.Women's enormous ability to co ntribute to economic progress through investments remains unexplored. Through numerous investigations and original data collection, this rese arch article attempts to determine, whether women's investing behaviour is influenced by their financial understanding, and whether a lack of financial information a barrier to changing their investment behaviour. The research will also look into if there is a need to raise financial literacy knowledge among women. Women investors may improve their investment behavior if they are interested in improving their financial understanding, which will eventually lead to their empowerment.

    for full paper please visit below link :


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