Role of Industrialization in Environment Threat

 Innovation : The Research Concept ISSN: 2456–5474 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/68367 Vol.-6* Issue-5* June- 2021

Paper Submission: 01/06/2021, Date of Acceptance: 06/06/2021, Date of Publication: 26/06/2021

Manish Kumar Kannojia 
Assistant Professor,
 Dept. of Commerce, 
Govt. Degree College, 
Campiearganj – Gorakhpur 
U.P., India



 India is a developing nation. India is well thought-out as the world’s biggest booming economies. Industrial Development can be driven by policies in countries of origin, countries of destination, corporations own initiatives and by international institutions. Modernization has led to the development in the lifestyle and the basic needs are no more just food, cloth and shelter. The formation of massive pollution making industries are the result of the constant need and greed of the human being. Since the ages of industrial and technological revolutions, economic growth has been regarded as the major fundamental of the world’s growth. The industrialization has led to development in diverse areas like agriculture, manufacturing sector, coal, timber, bottling plants, automobiles, gas and chemicals. This has definitely developed the economy of India and the lifestyle of people living in the country. It had also led to the degradation of environment and the environmental conditions, the flora and fauna in different ecosystems, extinction of the rare species of animals, plants and birds and the depletion of natural resources.

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