Heritage site of Lord Buddha; A Sikkimese Buddhist Perspective

 Anthology : The Research ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/68067 

Vol-6* Issue-4* JULY-2021 

Paper Submission: 05/07/2021, Date of Acceptance: 12/07/2021, Date of Publication: 24/07/2021


 Neydup Bhutia 
Assistant Professor 
Dept. of Buddhist
SIHNS (Sheda),
 Pangthang Taktse, 


A long time ago there appeared a great king honored by multitude, and gradually formed the royal lineage son of the first monarch family in this world, and the emperor of 5 sects was formed, when the king received pure vows from the superior one, then there came a 5 universal monarch, they came from the pure descents of the Royal Lineage of Sakya King named Sakya Gyalpo Singi-dram, and he had four sons and four daughters and a part from these four the eldest son Suddhodana’s lineage divided into two sons, they are Siddharat and Chungawa.There is different commentary maxim in Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism. In brief at the southern world in which Lord Buddha performed the 12 Holy deeds and Legend History compatibility. Now in this text we explain the four major pilgrimage sites which were predicted by Lord Buddha.

 for full paper please visit below link :



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