Indian Society and Third Gender Community

 Anthology : The Research ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/68067 

Vol-6* Issue-4* JULY-2021 

Paper Submission: 05/07/2021, Date of Acceptance: 15/07/2021, Dat0e of Publication: 16/07/2021

Research Scholar,
 Dept. of Political Science,
 Galgotias University
 New Delhi, India


Rakesh Kumar Yadav 
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Political Science,
 Galgotias University,
 New Delhi, India


Sometimes a person assigned sex at the time of their birth does not line up with their gender identity. Historically transgender were regarded as very close to the God in Hindu Mythology that’s why they are believe to be very important in our ancient custom and practices. In ancient society they were on well-known positions but things stated to change in eighteenth century with the arrival of British rule in India. In this study we examine transgender status in Indian society. How the life of transgender people is daily battle. They are not accepted by the society and they face stigma in almost every sphere of their life – in schools/colleges, health, employment and social schemes. We believe that they needs to be included in mainstream and should be protected from all forms of exploitation and violence. Apart from all the discrimination some of them have emerged as a role model in front of everyone.

 for full paper please visit below link :


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