Origin and Establishment of Rampur State.

  Anthology : The Research ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/68067 

  Vol-6* Issue-4* JULY-2021 

  Paper Submission: 06/07/2021, Date of Acceptance: 15/07/2021, Date of Publication: 24/07/2021


 Mansoor Ahmad
 Assistant Professor,
 Dept. of History,
 G.F. College,
 Uttar Pradesh, India


The state of Rampur, though small in size, had got literary, cultural and political importance during the British rule and even thereafter. Rampur is situated in the sub-Himalayan region of Uttar Pradesh, which is as important for a historian as many other larger states. The rulers of the state were the Rohillas of Afghanistan. Daud Khan, one of the adventurers from the Afghan clan, came to this region during the period of Mughal emperor Shah Alam. The brave Daud Khan with the support of several Afghans established his supremacy in the area. After his death his adopted son Ahmad Ali khan became the head of the Afghan soldiers. But the Rohilla power was destroyed by ShujaudDaulah, the nawab of Awadh with the help of the Britishers. This defeat did not affect the establishment of the Rampur state. The city of Rampur was founded by the nawabFaizullah Khan, the son of nawab Ali Mohammad Khan. The rulers of the state always played an important role in the history of the region. During the first war of independence in 1857, nawab Yusuf Ali Khan, the then ruler of the state protected the British interest, and in return, after the separation of the revolt, he was rewarded by the British government. Soon Rampur became the centre of culture and got the political importance

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