Water Resource Management.

 Anthology : The Research ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/68067 

Vol-6* Issue-2* MAY-2021 

 Paper Submission: 05/05/2021, Date of Acceptance: 21/05/2021, Date of Publication: 23/05/2021 

 Anita Rathore
 Dept. of Geography, 
Bhupal Nobles‟ University,
 Udaipur, Rajasthan, India


In our country, Water is a limited resource in both rural and urban areas and hence needs planned utilization and judicious management for meeting the social, economic and environmental demands and targets. The ever increasing pace of development coupled with the growing population and the associated urbanization and industrialization poses challenges on water resources. The present environment needs to address this serious concern on the ever increasing pressure on water management issues, before it is too late and poses serious threats and negative impacts. Issues related to water resources management and its planning are becoming increasingly complex and water resource planners/managers/officials often lack the right information which limits their capacity to suggest judicious water use options and appropriate water management decisions in both Urban and Rural areas. There is a need for a scientific and orderly disposition of water resource management for Agricultural purposes. A properly prepared water use plan based on sound scientific and technical procedures, Flood and Drought management and Groundwater resource management can facilitate water utilization for future demands. This supported by a strong planning process, where communities and various stakeholders are involved, can strengthen the decision making process on allocation and utilisation of water resources. This paper high lights a holistic and strategic approach for pragmatic water resources management in India holistically.

 for full paper please visit below link :



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