Surrrogacy, Adoption and Transgender Rights.

 Anthology : The Research ISSN: 2456–4397 RNI No.UPBIL/2016/68067 

Vol-6* Issue-10*JANAURY-2022 

Paper Id.:15589, Submission Date: 10/01/2022, Acceptance Date: 20/01/2022, Publication Date: 22/01/2022


 Poornima Singh
 Assistant Professor 
Dept. of Law, 
Govt. Law College,
 Ujjain, M.P., India


Surrogacy is the topic of discussion in the country these days. Recent law on surrogacy has paved the way for this. The act on surrogacy contains many provisions which are controversial. The debate on the issue has always led to polarization of people. On one side are the groups which favor the traditional concepts of family while on the other hand are those who advocate the inclusion of the changing meaning of family with the changing world. In this light a discussion on transgender rights is done. Surrogacy law has imposed several conditions on the people wanting to have a child by employing this method. In a way these provisions will result in surrogacy being a tough choice to make for the couples or individuals. That brings us to adoption. Will the law on surrogacy actually result in increase in adoption? The paper attempts to analyse these issues.

  for full paper please visit below link :


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